Before I was a stay at home mom full time, I always wondered, “What the heck do moms do with their kids for 10-12 hours each day?!” So I started scouring Pinterest for some fun activities that I can do with my toddler and came up with these three of my own:
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1.) Wipe pulling
Items you will need:
Scraps of fabric
Empty wipe box
This one is great because you don’t have to go out and buy anything special. I used some extra cloth wipes that we had, but you can also cut up some old T-shirts or use some rags. We just folded the wipes up and stuffed them in the container. At this age they love to pull things out of boxes! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve caught Baby L pulling all the Kleenex out of the box…
2.) Painting with water
Items you will need:
This activity is super fun because the construction paper soaks up the water really well and changes the color of the paper, so your little one will feel like they are actually painting. Just make sure you don’t overfill your water like I did because they will spill it!
3.) Scarf Ball
Items you will need:
We already had this little honeycomb like ball to use and then just stuffed it with scarves. You could also use scraps or anything else you’ve got laying around. Like activity #1, toddlers really love to pull things out of something (thus making a mess) and Baby L loves to play peek-a-boo with the scarves after. This activity is great to help our little ones practice their pincer grasp and when they get closer to the 18 month mark you can practice colors!